Preparing for Divorce: How to Assess What You Really Want

deciding to divorceAre you preparing for divorce in the near future? No matter where you find yourself in the process, be it contemplating filing for divorce, or facing a full-blown divorce trial, it is critical to ask yourself, what is most important to you? Hopefully, the issues that you and your spouse have are few and that, most importantly, you two are ready, willing and able to negotiate in order to come to the most reasonable decision possible.

Crafting your own agreement and coming up with your own parameters to settle your divorce matter leads to greater freedom for your entire family now and into the future. But, how do you know what is really most important to you? What can you not live without? What is negotiable? Take some time to sit down and consider what is truly worth fighting for in your divorce. Read more

Register Now For Our Free Divorce 101 Webinar

divorce 101 webinarMade the difficult decision to divorce, but now don’t know to start? Want to know what’s going to happen to your kids…your home and assets…and your future? For answers to your most pressing questions, join us for our FREE webinar: Divorce 101 The New Jersey Divorce Process: How do I start my divorce & what should I expect? Read more

What To Do When Your Ex Has A Different Co-Parenting Style

co-parenting Wondering what to do when your ex’s co-parenting style clashes with yours? Worried that your kids will grow up dazed and confused because they have to navigate two sets of rules? Get your finger off the panic button! Even married couples disagree at times on the best way to manage children. Here are some things you can do to create a more positive co-parenting relationship with your ex – even if he or she is not cooperative. Read more

How To Let People Know You’re Getting A Divorce

announcing your divorceYou’ve decided to divorce, now you need to decide how to let people know. But what details should you share? With whom? How should you deliver the message? Via e-mail blast? Phone call? In person? Here are some tips for how to spread the news. Read more

5 Steps to Emotionally Prepare For Divorce

emotionally preparing for divorceDivorce is a life-altering event, so you need a clear head when planning yours. Here are five tips to manage your emotions so you can make sound, long-term legal decisions. Read more

You Are Invited To Second Saturday Divorce Workshop, Featuring Bari Weinberger

Ready to learn more about divorce in New Jersey? On January 19, join Weinberger Law Group founder Bari Weinberger and other expert presenters for an all new Second Saturday workshop for women, held at the Park Avenue Club in Florham Park. Read more

3 Secrets For Finding The Right Divorce Attorney

Let’s face it: divorce can be difficult. You may be struggling with a vast array of emotions about your family separating and feeling confused about how to proceed. Now it’s time to hire an attorney and the options of who to pick for the job may feel overwhelming. Need some help? Get these three secret insider tips for picking the right lawyer for you!  Read more

Divorced Parents: Are You Required To Pay Your Child’s Grad School Tuition?

do divorced parents need to pay grad school tuition? There has been a lot of buzz about the changes to the child support statute in New Jersey set to take effect in February of 2017. Under the new legislation, there should be no financial support required by a non-custodial parent after a child turns 23 years old. Will there be exceptions to this rule when it comes to parental contributions to graduate school tuition? According to a recent child support ruling in Ocean County, the answer may be yes. Read more

Reconciliation: 5 Tips For Saving Your Marriage

Reconciliation TipsDivorce irrevocably changes the course of your life and your children’s. If you are at all ambivalent about ending your marriage, now is the time to make a concerted effort to see if it’s worth saving. Use these 5 tips to help you and your spouse reconcile your differences and stay (happily) together… Read more

8 Savvy Ways To Prepare For Divorce

preparing for divorceIf you are thinking about divorce, be aware that you need to gather a lot of information before you file. Although it may feel sneaky to do some reconnaissance work without your spouse knowing, or before you announce your intentions, it is imperative that you have a plan in place before taking the life-altering step of ending your marriage. Thinking about filing? Here are 8 savvy ways you can start preparing now… Read more