Prenups, Post-Nups, Palimony & Relationship Agreements
You need a legal relationship agreement when your personal situation changes.
Maybe you are getting married, or choosing to live with your partner, perhaps one of you has a family from a previous relationship or a business, perhaps one of you is going to put their career on hold to have children, or perhaps you are reconciling with your spouse and want an agreement that sets out responsibilities.
In any of these situations, legal relationship agreements are a binding contract voluntarily entered into by two or more parties regarding their rights and obligations.
Most common types of relationship agreements:
Prenuptial Agreements
Prenuptial agreements, or prenups, used to be known solely as legal agreements used by the very wealthy or celebrities. However, now it is commonplace for sensible couples to set out responsibilities and obligations within a prenup. Are you thinking about drawing up a prenuptial agreement before you get married — or have you already been asked to sign one? A prenuptial agreement can be an effective way for both parties to protect their families, their financial interests and assets, and their privacy in the event of a divorce. Find out when a prenuptial agreement should be considered, the benefits of having one drawn up and what specifically can be included to safeguard your marriage and your future.
Post Nuptial Agreements
If your situation changes after the wedding or during the course of your marriage, a New Jersey Post-Nuptial Agreement (also referred to as a mid-marriage agreement) may be right for you. Such a document can prove to be beneficial in many situations, such as when one spouse suddenly starts making a great deal of money, or another spouse stops working, or takes a career break to have children. Learn more about what post-nuptial agreements cover in New Jersey — and how they differ from prenuptial agreements.
Reconciliation Agreements
If you and your spouse have separated, but decide to get back together, a Reconciliation Agreement can help to heal the marriage and can be used to provide peace of mind to both parties. Find out what can be included in a reconciliation agreement.
Cohabitation / Domestic Partnership / Palimony Agreements
Are you planning on living in a committed relationship with your partner? Then a cohabitation or palimony agreement could be right for you. When you are not married and one partner gives up work, or you decide to have children, a palimony agreement can clearly establish the responsibilities of each party with regard to property, maintenance, pet custody, privacy, and more.