My Spouse Committed Financial Fraud Against Me: How Do I Protect Myself?

Experiencing financial fraud can be a devastating and overwhelming experience. When it’s your spouse who has committed the financial fraud, however, an already difficult situation is made even worse, bringing with it difficult feelings of betrayal and confusion about what to do next. Read more

What Happens To Joint Credit Cards When You Divorce? 

Divorce can be a financially challenging process. One area that often causes confusion and concern is credit card management. What happens to all those joint credit cards you and your spouse have used for years? Should you cancel the cards? Who is responsible for the debt and repayments? What should you do to protect your credit?

Here are some answers to consider as you navigate through one of divorce’s trickier financial issues. Read more

Avoid The 2023 Court Quagmire & Speed Up Your Divorce! 

Speed Up Your Divorce 2The latest news on the family court backlog in New Jersey is nothing short of alarming. Due to the ongoing judicial court vacancy crisis, a difficult decision has been made to suspend divorce trials in several NJ counties beginning February 21, 2023. Read more

How To Speed Up Your Divorce in 2023

speeding up your divorce in 2023Getting a divorce in New Jersey in 2023? If you decide on court litigation to resolve your issues, be prepared that your divorce could take a very long time to proceed.

The reason why: New Jersey’s judicial shortage crisis has created an overburdened court system and unprecedented case backlog in the family courts. According to the latest statistics from the New Jersey Judiciary, 4600 divorce cases are currently stuck in limbo. Under current conditions, if you are waiting for your “day in court,” that day could take a very long time to arrive.

However, there is some good news in this, which is that fast-tracking your divorce can still be a reality. As our firm’s founder Bari Weinberger wrote in her new article for the New Jersey Law Journal, Divorce in 2023: What NJ Spouses Need to Consider,  pursuing out-of-court settlement methods can sidestep the backlog and keep your divorce moving towards a swift and satisfying resolution.

If your goal is to divorce with speed, here are some smart choices you can make to still reach this goal. Read more

Got Co-Parenting Problems? Try These Solutions

co-parenting problemsKim Kardashian recently opened up about co-parenting with ex-husband Kanye West, offering the very honest appraisal that, “It’s hard. S–t like co-parenting, it’s really f—— hard.” Sound familiar? If co-parenting with your ex has become difficult or feels downright impossible, here are some tips for overcoming conflicts and common problems so you can get on with the important task of raising your kids.  Read more

3 Reasons Why Hiring A Divorce Attorney Could Save Your Marriage 

Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady have made headlines lately for the rocky patch they’ve hit in their marriage. In the latest development, the pair have reportedly each hired their own divorce attorney. Gossip outlets speculate this move is basically a declaration the marriage is over. But is it? This may come as surprising news to some, but working with a divorce attorney could be the very thing that helps to save your marriage and prevent a divorce.

Here are three reasons why.

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Can The Courts Make My Ex Pay My Attorney Fees?

can my ex be made to pay my legal fees

Your spouse blindsided you with the announcement that they want a divorce, leaving you feeling completely unprepared. What can you do if you can’t afford a divorce lawyer? Can your ex be made to pay your legal fees and attorney costs?

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Can Collecting Back Child Support & Alimony Lower Current Payments? 

enforcing support paymentWe recently had an interesting question about child support enforcement asked by one of our Facebook page members.

My ex was unemployed for a time and stopped paying the support he owed me. He’s now employed again, making more than he ever has before. He has not paid any of the back support and is refusing to talk to me about it. I also want to restart alimony, which was temporarily stopped when he lost his job. What are my rights to the back support and current support payments? 

Are you in a similar situation and experiencing non-payment of child support or alimony due to your ex’s job loss? How do you get support payments back on track once your ex is employed again?

Here are some answers…

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FIRE Divorce: Keeping Early Retirement Plans on Track

FIRE divorce

Are you concerned about getting divorced because you and your spouse are staunch FIRE proponents? Divorce can indeed be more complicated for FIRE couples, but with enough planning, you can come through it with your financial independence and stability intact. Read more

Serving Legal Papers In Divorce And Custody Matters — How To Keep It Private

Earlier this week, actress and director Olivia Wilde was center stage introducing her new film at CinemaCon when an audience member approached and slid a manilla envelope towards her, mysteriously labeled “personal and confidential.” Wilde glanced at the papers but kept mum about their contents, leading media in attendance to speculate the envelope contained an unsolicited script or perhaps a fan letter to Wilde’s boyfriend, Harry Styles. A few hours later, however, the truth was revealed: In the middle of a very high profile career-related moment, Wilde had been served with legal papers related to a child custody matter by ex-husband Jason Sudeikis.

Was this serving of legal papers in such a public way avoidable? If you’re about to serve, or be served papers, in your divorce or family law matters, it is important to know what your options are, and how to ensure speedy — and discrete — delivery. Read more