5 Key Steps To Take When It’s Time To Divorce

time to divorce

The decision to divorce will alter your life forever, so it’s critical that you plan your exit wisely. Ready to take the first steps towards a brighter future? The following tips can help you kickstart the divorce process with greater clarity and calm. Read more

Are Digital Mistakes About To Turn Your Divorce Into a Disaster?

digital mistakes in divorce

It was just a few years ago that digital meddling in divorce consisted mainly of spouses taking screenshots of questionable texts and tagged photos on Facebook. In our tech-saturated world of 2022, however, cyber snooping and other online misbehaviors  in divorce have become much more complex — and prevalent.

As Bari Weinberger explained in her latest article for the New Jersey Law JournalSocial Media & Cyber Warnings in Family Law Cases: Learnings for 2022, “Today’s issues reflect everything from digital privacy breaches to cyber-harassment to hidden cryptocurrency and more.”

Are you at risk for a suspicious or vengeful spouse doing you wrong online? You need to protect yourself. Here are some tips for avoiding this new generation of cyber missteps in divorce. Read more

5 Ways to Rekindle Romance in Your Marriage

rekindling romance in marriage

Have your marital flames burned so low that you’re afraid they’ll be extinguished forever? While sex waxes and wanes in most relationships, ignoring your erotic connection can create the dreaded “roommate”marriage, and cause some spouses to remedy their loneliness by looking elsewhere for physical and emotional fulfillment, resulting in infidelity and often divorce.

Could saving the romance save your marriage? For most couples, it can certainly help.

While attempts to re-connect sexually may feel awkward, allowing yourselves to drift apart will make it that much harder the longer you wait. Here are some tips to help you and your spouse rekindle the spark. Read more

FIRE Divorce: What Happens When An “Financial Independence, Retire Early” Couple Splits?

FIRE divorce

You and your spouse were on FIRE. You worked hard at your financial independence with the goal to retire early. You might already be retired right now, living off the dividends of your hard-earned nest egg and passive investments, and with little to no debt. Financially, your marriage was a success. Personally, however, things were far from ideal, and now you and your spouse have made the difficult decision to divorce.

When a FIRE marriage ends, does financial independence end with it? Read more

The Peter Pan Generation: How To Help Your Adult Child Transition To Adulthood

Peter Pan Generation

Image copyright mybaitshop, Depositphoto.com

Do you have an adult child who’s struggling to leave your nest? While the pandemic sent many young adults running back to their childhood home, the “forever child” Peter Pan generation has been around for a while. A 2016 Pew Research Study found that 32% of 18 to 34-year-olds were more likely to live with their parents than in any other living situation. That number soared to 52% during the pandemic, even more than during the Great Depression! 

With college campuses closing, businesses shuttering, and housing costs rising, the struggle to live independently is real. Bari Weinberger wrote about the legal aspects of parents financially supporting their adult children in her new article for the New Jersey Law Journal: Peter Pan Support When Can Parents Stop Financially Supporting Adult Children? But what about the emotional side of having your adult child move back in?

Here’s how to help an adult child back in the nest find their wings again. Read more

4 Ways Abusers Are Using High Tech To Stalk In 2022 — And What You Can Do To Protect Yourself

cyberstalking in 2022

Is your phone being used to spy on you? How about your car? As “smart” internet-enabled technologies continue to evolve, unfortunately, so too do the techniques abusive spouses use to twist these advances into manipulative tools of surveillance and cyberstalking. 

Should you be concerned for your safety? In 2022, you need to learn four new ways abusers are using high tech to stalk — and the steps you can to protect yourself. Read more

The Ross and Rachel Effect: How To Recover A Relationship When One Spouse Cheats “On a Break”

cheating during marital separation

Image copyright everett225, Depositphoto.com

When Ross and Rachel from the hit sit-com Friends infamously took a break from their relationship, Ross had a one-night stand. The issues that triggered the schism, busy work schedules and miscommunication, were small potatoes compared to their conflicting views on what was permissible during a separation. Ross’s insistence that he didn’t cheat “because we were on a break!” and Rachel’s insistence that he did cheat because she believed it wasn’t clear they were on a break morphed into a permanent rupture – for a few seasons, at least! 

So, let’s talk about sex outside the relationship when you and your partner have officially agreed to go on hiatus. Here are some common concerns, and how to navigate them. Read more

Divorce in NJ in 2022: For Those About To File, What’s New? 

divorce in NJ in 2022

Made the decision to get a divorce in NJ in 2022? Divorce best practices are constantly changing, and this year is no exception. What should you watch out for as you begin the divorce process? Find out three key changes that affect divorce in New Jersey in 2022.  Read more

Divorce in NJ in 2022: Men, Avoid These Top Divorce Blunders

divorce in NJ in 2022 men

Divorce in NJ in 2022:  You’ve made the decision to divorce this year. What’s next? For starters, you need to know that men navigating the New Jersey divorce process are at higher risk for making certain costly mistakes, resulting in a loss of both money and time. Ready to get your 2022 divorce off to the best start possible? Here’s a look at common men’s divorce blunders — and how to avoid them! Read more

Divorce in NJ in 2022: Women, Don’t Make These Costly Mistakes!

nj divorce 2022 women

Have you made the decision to divorce in 2022? As you start the divorce process in New Jersey, you need to be aware of costly mistakes that women often make in divorce — and how to avoid them. 

Here are five common pitfalls women should watch out for, with tips for how to keep your divorce error-free.  Read more