Tag Archive for: alimony

You Are Invited to Our LIVE Facebook Family Law Q&A


On the first Tuesday of every month, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC hosts a LIVE Facebook Q&A to answer your questions related to divorce and related family law issues, including child support, child custody, alimony and more. Our next Family Law Tuesday is scheduled for December 2 from 8-9 pm. We cordially invite you to stop by and ask your question(s) during the hour (we’ll be on hand to answer). You are also free to send us questions via private message. We will post your question using only your first name — or keep it anonymous if you wish.

What kinds of questions do others ask? Here’s a sampling from November’s Family Law Tuesday: Read more

Family Law Tuesday Divorce Q&A Round Up

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Please join us for Family Law Tuesday, our live Q&A session held on our WLG Facebook page on the first Tuesday of every month. The next Family Law Tuesday is planned for November 4 from 8-9 pm. What kinds of questions do people ask? Here is a round up of Q&As from our October event. Read more

Top 10 Highest Alimony Payments


Since it’s the time of year for all things spooky and scary, what better time to take a look  at the top ten highest alimony payments in celebrity divorce history? Kidding aside, examining these high end spousal support awards can teach all of us — whether you pay or receive alimony — a thing or two about how to achieve a fair spousal support settlement. Here’s the top ten rundown and some of our tips for creating alimony arrangements both of you can accept. Read more

Robin Williams Alimony & Divorce Struggles: Taking A Closer Look

Robin Williams once joked that alimony is just a shortened form of “all the money” after two divorces on the part of the comedy legend cost him reportedly upwards of $30 million in alimony payouts to ex-wives Valerie Velardi and Marsha Garces.

Speculation since the actor’s death has even gone so far as to claim divorce and alimony woes pushed the actor to near bankruptcy and served as a contributing factor to his depressed mental state. Read more

Will New Jersey Alimony Reform Be the Death of the Stay-At-Home Spouse?

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If you’ve kept up with the headlines in New Jersey this past week, you may be aware that a long-awaited alimony reform bill concerning permanent “lifetime” alimony has been passed by both the New Jersey State Assembly and Senate and sent to Governor Christie, who is expected to approve the measure sometime this summer. With alimony reform in New Jersey so close at hand, it’s almost certain that those going through the process of divorce right now (or contemplating divorce) have questions and concerns about how reform laws will affect their spousal support arrangements. This may be especially true for stay-at-home spouses and stay-at-home parents, the two groups most likely to request lifetime alimony. Read more

Assembly Committee Approves New Jersey Alimony Reform Bill

On Thursday, the New Jersey Assembly Judiciary Committee issued a unanimous recommendation to pass legislation fundamentally changing the way alimony is awarded in most New Jersey divorces.
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Blue Ribbon Commission Proposed To Study NJ Alimony Reform

Following the lead of other states that have updated alimony laws in recent years, the wheels of change appear to now be turning in New Jersey in the form of a new Blue Ribbon commission approved February 11, 2014 by the Assembly Judiciary Committee to study alimony reform. Read more

Getting Organized for Divorce

If you and your spouse are considering divorce in 2014, getting organized now can help save time and stress in the event you make the decision to file, or your spouse files first. How do you prepare for the divorce process in New Jersey? Here are 5 key questions to make sure you know the answers to: Read more

Thinking About Becoming A SAHM Or SAHD? Here’s Why You Need a POST-Nup

A recent CNBC piece about stay-at-home moms and their earning ability in the event of divorce brought up the very real issue of what many SAHMs (and SAHDs) run into when they suddenly need to find work in the career they left: It’s not always easy. Read more

Will the Government Shutdown Affect Your Divorce?

2018 update! On Friday, December 21, 2018, the U.S. federal government partially shutdown due to conflicting views on government funding. With no end in sight, and the holidays upon us, what could a prolonged government shutdown mean for your divorce? For a preview, let’s take a look at what happened during the last major shutdown in 2013…

Since the federal government shut down at midnight Tuesday, over 800,000 federal employees across dozens of agencies have been furloughed and many service-providing governmental departments and agencies across the country are now closed or running on limited staff. How can the government shutdown affect divorce proceedings and other related issues, including child support and alimony payments? Here are four key concerns: Read more