3 Surprising Tips For Preventing Divorce

saving my marriage

When two people plan a life together, they usually envision tangible aspects: a home, children, vacations, a social circle, retirement. But they often overlook the intangible qualities required to make that plan a reality. Currently in the throes of doing everything you can to save your marriage? Here are 3 tips you may not have tried yet! 

1. Do What You Say You’re Going To Do. The quickest way to erode any relationship, especially marriage, is to over-promise and under-deliver. Being married means that someone else is counting on you to do what you say you’re going to do: take out the trash, get the kids to school on time, come home when you say you’re going to come home, be faithful to your partner, along with any other commitments you’ve made. If you’re chronically unreliable, you’re sending a message to your spouse – and your children — that you can’t be counted upon. Put yourself in a position that garners trust by doing what you say you’re going to do — every time.

2. Maintain A Healthy Sexual Connection. It’s estimated that sexual problems account for 20% of divorces. While it’s common for sexual desire to ebb and flow, putting sex on the back burner for too long can turn spouses into roommates. A lack of sexual intimacy breeds resentment, despair, alienation, and often, infidelity. If you and your partner have vastly different levels of desire, you need to find out why and remediate the issue. Denying your spouse sexual gratification as punishment, or pressuring them into sex acts they’re not comfortable with, is emotionally abusive (or can even be sexual assault by a spouse). If you want to prevent divorce, maintaining a healthy sex life is a priority. Work together to find a level of physical intimacy that satisfies you both.

3. Be Responsible With Money. Money problems are up there with sex as one of the leading causes of divorce. You and your spouse need to be on the same page with monthly budgeting, savings, and retirement. Neither should splurge on a big-ticket item without running it by the other first. And just as sexual betrayal can blow up a marriage, financial infidelity can be equally devastating. Taking out a secret line of credit, hiding assets, amassing debt, gambling away the mortgage money, and other forms of monetary chicanery do more than create financial havoc. They indicate severe problems with impulse control, as is common with addiction, mental illness, and those with exploitive personalities. If you’re playing games with money, you will eventually get caught. And if you’re enabling a spouse who refuses to be financially transparent, you’re contributing to an unstable domestic environment.

While there’s no guarantee that any marriage will last, following these three tips – accountability, sexual connection, and financial responsibility — will definitely safeguard yours from divorce.

Learn all your options — including how putting in place a post-nuptial agreement or reconciliation agreements can give couples on the brink greater peace of mind. Please contact us today to schedule your initial attorney consultation and get answers to all your questions. Call us at 888-888-0919, or please click the button below.

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