Tag Archive for: intimate partner violence

When Kids Witness Domestic Violence, Is It Child Abuse?

Child Victims of Domestic ViolenceWitnessing violence in any form can leave a lasting negative impact on a child — and when children live in homes where domestic violence, including physical abuse, is a frequent occurrence, the consequences can be dire. What can we do to protect young bystanders to spousal or intimate partner violence, and where does the law in New Jersey currently stand with regards to children living in violent or abusive homes? Read more

Recognizing The Signs of Intimate Partner Violence

Get help for domestic violence and intimate partner violenceAlthough we like to think we live in a more enlightened age, unfortunately, when it comes to intimate partner violence, also known as domestic violence, we, as a society, still have a long way to go. According to the Association of American Family Physicians, in the United States, approximately 1.5 million women and 834,700 men annually are raped and/or physically assaulted by an intimate partner. Women are more likely than men to be injured, sexually assaulted, or murdered by an intimate partner. Studies suggest that one in four women is at lifetime risk.

To remedy these tragic statistics, education is key, as is awareness of the many faces of intimate partner violence. Not all forms are intimate partner violence (IPV) are easy to recognize because IPV is not always physical violence; IPV can also be threats, intimidation or harassment, and more. Read more

Resource Guide to Domestic Violence Help in New Jersey

NJ domestic violence resources

Are you or someone you know looking for a domestic violence shelter or safe house? Want to know more about the process of obtaining a restraining order? Desperate to start building a future for you and your children that’s free from abusive and controlling behavior? New Jersey is home to a number of shelters and victim advocacy groups that provide assistance to victims of intimate partner violence and domestic abuse. You are not alone. Help is available. The following list contains individual referral contacts for shelters (arranged by county) and links to further information, including how to keep your privacy intact during this trying time. Read more

Same-Sex Domestic Violence: How To Get Help

same-sex domestic violenceBecause domestic violence has been traditionally viewed as something that happens only to heterosexual women, instances of same-sex domestic violence (DV) or intimate partner violence (IPV) in the LGBT community are often overlooked. People assume it just doesn’t happen.

But it does.

As reports consistently show, at least one out of four people in same-sex relationships will experience domestic violence during their lifetime, mirroring rates among heterosexual couples. Sadly, LGBT victims are frequently reluctant to go the police, often because of perceived stigma or fear that help for same-sex couples is not readily available.

It’s time to dispel the myths surrounding same-sex DV. Let’s look an all-too-common DV scenario involving a LGBT couple and explore how the victim in this situation can reach out for needed help and protection. Read more