Tag Archive for: divorce privacy

Safeguarding Your Privacy in Divorce: Keeping it Offline

privacy in divorce

Image copyright Daviles, Depositphoto.com

We have all seen gory details of peoples’ relationships plastered all over social media. We have witnessed arguments and name-calling on Facebook. Someone always knows someone whose divorce was made even more painful by later-regretted posts, pictures or even hijacked social media accounts. As tempting as it might be in the moment, it is never a good idea to hash out your personal problems or advertise the specifics of your divorce case in public.

So, how do you avoid publicizing your personal struggles with your spouse online? Read more

The Aga Khan & The German Princess: How Long Does Divorce Take When Billions Are At Stake?

The Aga Khan, well-known spiritual leader to millions of Muslims, has finalized his divorce from a German princess after nearly a decade of legal disputes, according to a statement released last week. The Aga Khan and ex-wife, Gabriele Zu Leiningen, have ended their marriage “by consent,” say the couple’s attorneys, with a final divorce settlement reached after a Paris Court of Appeals approved a private settlement. Read more

Why Did Eliot and Silda Spitzer File for Divorce as “Anonymous v. Anonymous”?

Eliot Spitzer, former Governor of New York and his wife Silda Wall Spitzer have officially filed for divorce, but in a move that might seem to some as unusual for a couple so much in the spotlight, the power couple’s divorce petition was filed as “Anonymous vs Anonymous”.

Why not use their real names? Read more

How to Divorce Like a Star

Divorce & Family Law Jersey Style
Divorce & Family Law Jersey Style
How to Divorce Like a Star

You don’t have to be famous to divorce like a star! Learn how to keep your divorce out of the spotlight and separate without tabloid drama.

Tag Archive for: divorce privacy

Safeguarding Your Privacy in Divorce: Keeping it Offline

privacy in divorce

Image copyright Daviles, Depositphoto.com

We have all seen gory details of peoples’ relationships plastered all over social media. We have witnessed arguments and name-calling on Facebook. Someone always knows someone whose divorce was made even more painful by later-regretted posts, pictures or even hijacked social media accounts. As tempting as it might be in the moment, it is never a good idea to hash out your personal problems or advertise the specifics of your divorce case in public.

So, how do you avoid publicizing your personal struggles with your spouse online? Read more

The Aga Khan & The German Princess: How Long Does Divorce Take When Billions Are At Stake?

The Aga Khan, well-known spiritual leader to millions of Muslims, has finalized his divorce from a German princess after nearly a decade of legal disputes, according to a statement released last week. The Aga Khan and ex-wife, Gabriele Zu Leiningen, have ended their marriage “by consent,” say the couple’s attorneys, with a final divorce settlement reached after a Paris Court of Appeals approved a private settlement. Read more

Why Did Eliot and Silda Spitzer File for Divorce as “Anonymous v. Anonymous”?

Eliot Spitzer, former Governor of New York and his wife Silda Wall Spitzer have officially filed for divorce, but in a move that might seem to some as unusual for a couple so much in the spotlight, the power couple’s divorce petition was filed as “Anonymous vs Anonymous”.

Why not use their real names? Read more

How to Divorce Like a Star

Divorce & Family Law Jersey Style
Divorce & Family Law Jersey Style
How to Divorce Like a Star

You don’t have to be famous to divorce like a star! Learn how to keep your divorce out of the spotlight and separate without tabloid drama.