Could Your Couple Tattoo Lead You to a Divorce Attorney in New Jersey?

Over the last decade, more people in the state and throughout the country have branded themselves with tattoos.  Many tattoos are of images, yet some take the shape of lettering.  Some bleeding hearts go as far as showcasing the name of lovers and spouses.  Could your couple tattoo lead you to a divorce attorney in New Jersey?  Some celebrity couples have had the unfortunate experience of jinxing their union by getting tattoos.  Here are three, widely-known celebrities who have made the inking mishap.

Angelina Jolie
Angelina made the mistake not one, not two, but three times!  She first got the letter, ‘H’ branded on her wrist to symbolize her love for then boyfriend, Timothy Hutton.   Did you get an initial of your loved one, then found yourself at the office of a divorce attorney in New Jersey?  Don’t fret, you can do the same as Angelina; she now tells people that the ‘H’ stands for her brother, James Haven.  Hopefully, you love someone that shares an initial with your ex too!

Pamela Anderson
Pam Anderson fell hard for rocker, Tommy Lee.  After dating for under a week, the couple decided to get one another’s name tattooed on their finger.  After some scandal and hardship, the relationship came to a close warranting the need to do something about the conspicuous ink.  It is a good thing that the characters in ‘Tommy’ closely resemble those in ‘Mommy’ because that is how Pam solved her tattoo debacle.

Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp is in the hearts of many female fans across the globe, but at one point, his heart solely belonged to Winona Ryder.  He was so enamored with her that he decided to get the sentiment, “Winona Forever” tattooed on his arm.  The couple’s relationship did not land them at a divorce attorney in New Jersey, but they did split up.  Johnny did not opt for altering his tattoo to symbolize his love for another person; he opted to idolize his love of drinking by changing the brand to say “Wino Forever.”

Getting a tattoo to symbolize the love of your sweetheart is an endearing sentiment, yet what happens if your love meets the same fate as the above celebrities?  Before you pay a visit to your nearest tattoo parlor, think about the chance of one day finding yourself meeting with a divorce attorney in New Jersey.  It may save you some money on the ink as well as the exercise in creativity to find a way to alter your tattoo!

Preparing Your Children for a Divorce in New Jersey

Divorce can sometimes be a heart-wrenching experience for all individuals involved.  It is especially hard on children who have grown accustomed to their family life and may not yet be aware of the tribulations of life.  A divorce in New Jersey can be emotional and psychologically trying on a young individual.  While not easy, there may be ways to make things easier on your child and lessen his or her fears and anxieties about the future.  Consider the following suggestions:

Breaking the news regarding your divorce in New Jersey

Child professionals suggest telling your child or children about the news together with your present spouse to present a unified front and to show the child that you both continue to love, care for, and support the child.  Specialists emphasize simplicity and truth while deemphasizing specifics and ugly details which may place ‘blame’ on one parent over the other.It is important for the child to understand that the decision for a divorce in New Jersey was not in any way a result of the child’s behavior and that it is purely an adult decision.  Consider emphasizing that the love you have for your child will never change.

Each child may react differently

You can expect a range of reactions from your children in response to your New Jersey divorce.  Because a child is older does not necessarily mean they will react in a mature manner.  Similarly, some children are beyond their years emotionally and may surprise you by quickly adapting to the change in their life.
It is important to encourage your children to verbalize and share their feelings with you.  Otherwise, if they are experiencing confusion or inner turmoil, these feelings may materialize in a number of ways including seclusion, aggression, or carelessness for their body and safety.

Counseling can serve as an aid to children during a New Jersey divorce

It is understandable to be overwhelmed when dealing with your children’s reactions to a divorce, but you must address your own legal and emotional divorce-related issues.  Many people find that professional counseling is helpful for them and their children.  Think about using available resources such as social service agencies and psychologists to make the divorce in New Jersey easier on you and your child.

New Jersey Divorce Mediation is A Great Option for Parents

New Jersey divorce mediation, allows couples to end their marriage in a civil fashion.  The media often portrays divorce as an ugly fight, between spouses. Recently, one A-list couple showed that not every divorce has to be a struggle. Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansen split in December of 2010. They released a mutual statement saying, “After long and careful consideration on both our parts, we’ve decided to end our marriage. We entered our relationship with love and it’s with love and kindness we leave it. While privacy isn’t expected, it’s certainly appreciated.”

As this Hollywood example shows, sometimes a mutual divorce is a good thing for both parties. When a couple wants to remain friends after getting a divorce, they should consider the New Jersey divorce mediation process.  New Jersey divorce mediation allows a couple to settle important issues outside of court. This is the best way to ensure that both sides have an equal say on important issues like child custody, child support, alimony, division of assets, and more. When you participate in New Jersey divorce mediation, you meet with your current spouse and a neutral professional, known as the mediator.  You can both have top New Jersey divorce attorneys by your side, or just seek their counsel before and in between the mediation sessions.

New Jersey divorce mediation is a great option for couples like Reynolds and Johansen, who still care for each other, but know they are not meant to be with each other forever as a married couple.  If you plan on raising your children with your former spouse, New Jersey divorce mediation may be your most logical option.  It can allow you to remain friendly especially for the best interests of the children.  After a successful New Jersey mediation, you can both move on with your lives in a similar way as Reynolds and Johansen.

Lessons Learned for New Jersey Child Custody: Top Celebrity Custody Battles

New Jersey child custody cases aren’t as well-known as those in the foothills of Hollywood.  Well, for the most part.  There was that whole “Baby M” issue.  But, generally speaking, the child custody cases we hear about arise from the sun-drenched Hollywood Hills.

Celebrity gossip can be amusing to say the least.  Don’t worry. You’re not alone in your guilty pleasure.  But sometimes, unfortunately, children suffer at the hands of fortune, fame, and lost romance.  Over the years, we’ve seen some of Hollywood’s brightest stars duke it out in Los Angeles court rooms over child custody.  And while we might find ourselves enthralled by breakup battles, perhaps there is a lesson to be learned.  Of course, not everyone is an actor or pop-star with millions of dollars.  But, at the end of the day, human emotion is often what drives a child custody case.

Take a look at some of these top celebrity custody battles, and see if it helps you put a New Jersey child custody case in perspective.

Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger

In a classic battle of “he said, she said,” these two movie stars fought it out over their daughter, Ireland, who also goes by the nickname Addie.  She said he was emotionally abusive.  He said she was mentally unstable.  He also called his daughter “a thoughtless little pig.”  In the end, though, after apologies were made, the courts restored Baldwin’s visitation rights and the two have shared custody.

Britney Spears and Kevin Federline

This custody battle was so bitter it made washing your mouth out with soap seem like a pleasantry.  Britney’s descent into drugs, alcohol, and unsafe behavior caused her to be the first major female celebrity in years to lose custody of her children.  She lost custody because she reportedly failed to follow a court order that required her not to drive without a valid license, and to undergo random drug testing and parental counseling.

Michael Jackson and Debbie Rowe

Michael Jackson was notorious for his eccentric—to say the least—lifestyle.  And not much was different when it came to his custody case.  Originally, in 2001, Rowe gave up her legal rights to their children, Michael, Jr. and Paris.  However, after allegations of child molestation, Rowe tried to regain custody.  After nearly a 3-year battle, the two reached a settlement out of court in which Rowe reportedly gave up visitation rights for reinstated alimony payments of up to $750,000 a year.

David Hasselhoff and Pamela Bach

As in most custody battles, it’s his word versus her word.  He accused her of substance abuse, and she said he was a physically abusive alcoholic.  In May 2007, a video surfaced of an intoxicated Hasselhoff eating a hamburger in a stupor while in the presence of older daughter, Taylor, who can be heard in the video pleading with her father to stop being a drunk.  However, despite the scandalous video, Hasselhoff was awarded primary physical and legal custody of the kids in June 2007.  Then, a few months later in December, the two settled on a joint custody agreement.

New Jersey Divorce Lawyers Collide with 21st Century Technology

Technology is supposed to make things easier, right?  Well, for New Jersey divorce lawyers, it is and it isn’t.  With a new wave of technology, lawyers navigate the whitewater of technology-based divorce in New Jersey.

So, what is a technology-based divorce? Ask Tiger Woods or Tony Parker.  Neither of their wives needed to see lipstick on their husband’s collar or smell perfume on their clothes.  They simply had to check their husband’s cell phone. Today, more and more spouses are citing technology—cell phones, Facebook, e-mail, etc.—as evidence in their divorce cases.

In fact, the social networking phenomenon, Facebook, is now being cited in 1 out of every 5 divorce cases.  New Jersey divorce lawyers are presented with incriminating photos, status updates, and other information posted on the site.  While it should come as no surprise, sites like Facebook can provide powerful evidence in a New Jersey divorce.

Naturally, as New Jersey divorce lawyers, we pay close attention to how these technologies impact courtroom rulings.  But, as human beings, we’re also curious how this technology is affecting society and our marriages.  A British study conducted in 2008 found that 80% of people boot up high-tech gadgets before going to sleep.  And of that 80%, 33% send and receive texts/e-mails while in bed. That can’t be good for intimacy.

So, we invite you, our readers, to share some your thoughts on technology and its impact on divorce in New Jersey.

Basic Information about a New Jersey Restraining Order

You may have experienced a bad relationship or divorce with your former partner.  A New Jersey restraining order is a reality and solution for those who feel their safety and personal space is threatened by another person.

A New Jersey restraining order is a civil order issued by a judge.  The order provides protection against the presence of unwanted parties such as a former spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, present or former household member, and other parties identified in the restraining order.

The precipitating events and reasons to seek a New Jersey restraining order vary, but most seek such an order because they feel threatened by another person.  Events of domestic violence often precede the need for a New Jersey restraining order.  In general, if a family member or other person attempts to harm you (with our without a weapon) or gives you reason to believe they are planning to harm you, then that person may have committed an act of domestic violence.

Domestic violence occurs in many forms.  People may seek a New Jersey restraining order as a derivative of the following actions: assault, terroristic threats, kidnapping, criminal mischief, false imprisonment, sexual assault, harassment, and stalking.

New Jersey temporary restraining orders can be granted by means of an emergency order when the courts are closed and can be facilitated by contacting local police or 911.  A final restraining order is granted once both parties are given the opportunity to tell their side of the story and the judge decides the temporary restraining order should be made permanent in order to protect the safety and well-being of the victim.

Obtaining a New Jersey restraining order can result in the following:

–          A no-contact provision that prohibits the abuser from communicating with the victim

–          An order that permits the abuser to remove limited items from a previously shared space in the company of a law officer

–          Emergency financial support from the abuser, including support for minors

–          Temporary sole possession of the home for the abused

Comparing Divorce in New Jersey to the Rest of the Country

Do 50% of marriages really end with a divorce in New Jersey?  For years now, that’s the statistic we’ve been fed: 50% of marriages end in divorce.  But doesn’t that seem a bit broad?  Is the outcome of your marriage really the same as flipping a coin? 50% seems like a cop-out.  It seems like a lack of thorough research. 50% seems like someone took the number of reported marriages and the number of reported divorces and did some simple division, which, by the way, is exactly what they did.

The 50% statistic in no way indicates divorce trends in the U.S. This statistic is derived from the total number of marriages and divorces over the past 30 years or so.  Isn’t it possible for divorce in New Jersey and in the rest of the country to have slowed down?

Furthermore, isn’t it possible for there to be less, or more, divorce in New Jersey than in, say, Wyoming?  While, yes, a marriage is still a marriage, it’s probably safe to assume life in Wyoming isn’t the same as life in New Jersey.  So, let’s take a look at some more accurate statistics.

The divorce rate per 1,000 married women sank to 16.4 in 2009 from 16.9 the year before and a far cry from 22.6 in 1980, according to an analysis of the data from the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia.

Let’s see where the rate for divorce in New Jersey falls.  Here is a list of the states with the lowest divorce rates per 1,000 people.

1.       Massachusetts                                  1.8

2.       District of Columbia                         2.1

3.       Pennsylvania                                    2.3

4.       Iowa                                                   2.5

5.       New York                                          2.5

6.       North Dakota                                    2.5

7.       South Carolina                                   2.6

8.       Illinois                                                 2.6

9.       Maryland                                            2.8

10.   Minnesota                                            2.8

11.   New Jersey                                          2.8

New Jersey divorce attorneys help pave the way to a successful divorce

When all avenues of mediation and counseling been explored, but two spouses are not able to reconcile their differences, then divorce is the final chapter in the relationship.  In New Jersey there are a variety of different laws regarding divorce; utilizing a New Jersey divorce attorney will help both the parties involved understand their rights and obligations during the entire process.  To go to court without any type of NJ family law attorney would be unwise, as there are rules and laws that a judge could enforce that would potentially leave both parties unhappy.  The key to a successful divorce is to be knowledgeable of all areas of the law so that everyone can be happy and at least mutually agree on a way of resolving the issue.  Obviously there are going to be countless emotions involved that make the proceedings extremely difficult and strained; yet there is still some potential hope of reconciliation.  The couple could both use the same NJ mediation attorney to help settle their differences instead of having two opposing sides go against each other.

The majority of all divorce cases, however, usually end up requiring both sides hiring New Jersey divorce attorneys and following specific procedures.  The Superior Court of New Jersey has complete jurisdiction over all aspects of causes for divorce, when both parties involved were residents of New Jersey when the petition for divorce was first started.  The procedures of filing for divorce consist of the many different levels: a complaint must first be filed with the county of where the plaintiff lived when the issue first arose.  Next, after the filing fees are paid, the plaintiff sends a complaint to the defendant, who has to respond within a certain amount of time.  From then on, it requires tedious hours of work and meetings with New Jersey divorce lawyers to figure out every single aspect of the case.  Altogether, investing in a divorce attorney is beneficial for both parties involved.

10 Most Expensive Divorces in History

Marriage is supposed to be a perfect union; a partnership of two like-minded people who together become more than the sum of their parts, falling in love forever. Alas, this utopian ideal is far from reality for many people. Indeed, statistics show that the rate of divorce in America for a first marriage is 41%, for a second marriage it is 60% and for a third it rises to as high as 73%. Read more

10 Celebrities Who Were Victims of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence comes in many forms; it can be emotional or physical, and it can be against a man or a woman. The point is, it can happen to anyone. Even some of the richest, most famous and most powerful people in the world can be affected by domestic abuse. Most are able to come out the other side and put their lives back together, but not always. More than three women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends every day, and those that are abused are nine times as likely to commit suicide. Statistics like this mean it’s important not to shy away from talking about domestic violence. Being a victim is nothing to be ashamed about; being the perpetrator is. While we hear more about when it’s a celebrity in the news, if you are in New Jersey and violence at home impacts your life and family, we are here for immediate legal help for domestic violence issues.


10. Diane Lane

In 2004, actress Diane Lane was alleged to have been the victim of domestic abuse after accusing her husband John Brolin of attacking her. However, she later dropped the charges against him. She had phoned police claiming he hit her during an argument at their Los Angeles home and Brolin was arrested that night for spousal battery. At the time, their spokeswomen said: “There was a misunderstanding at their home… she did not want to press charges… they are embarrassed the matter went this far.”


9. Bill Clinton

It’s testament to a man’s willpower that he can become one of the most powerful men in the world even though he grew up surrounded by domestic violence. When the former U.S. President was just 8 years old his mother married Roger Clinton, a car dealer from Arkansas and also an alcoholic. Life wasn’t all rosy for the young Bill, and was – according to his autobiography – frequently marred by his stepfather’s violent outbursts. It’s said that, at the age of 15, Bill warned Roger never to hit his mother or half-brother ever again. In a later interview with Time magazine, Clinton recalled what a dramatic moment standing up to him had been.


8. Halle Berry

Oscar-winning actress Halle Berry is a fierce campaigner against domestic violence, having seen it firsthand. In 2004 she admitted to having been hit so hard by one of her ex-boyfriends that she lost the hearing in her right ear. Berry has never disclosed the identity of her attacker. She recently revealed that her mother was also the victim of domestic abuse, so when it happened to her, the actress knew it was time to get out of the relationship.


7. Madonna

Madonna still describes Sean Penn as the love of her life, even though he was charged with domestic violence in 1988. He pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor and a year later they were divorced. Madonna and Penn met in ’85 and were married soon afterward. During their short marriage Sean Penn was alleged to have had frequent violent outbursts both towards his wife and towards others.


6. Mariah Carey

She has hinted about her suffering a few times in the past, but in 2009 Mariah Carey came out and admitted she had been the victim of emotional and mental abuse. The mega-star was promoting a film which touches on the subject and said domestic abuse was not a new thing to her. Carey married music mogul Tommy Mottola in 1993; they divorced 5 years later. The singer told Larry King: “Abuse has several categories… emotionally, mentally, in other ways. It’s scary. I just think you get into a situation and you feel locked in… For me to really get out of it was difficult because there was a connection that was not only a marriage, but a business where the person was in control of my life.”


5. Rihanna

R&B star Rihanna has spoken publicly about the abuse she suffered from her ex-boyfriend. The singer was allegedly assaulted by Chris Brown and had visible bruises on her face. Brown handed himself in to police and issued a statement saying he was “sorry and saddened” and was seeking counseling. It turns out that Brown may have been subjected to violence himself after it was revealed his mother had been physically abused by his stepfather.


4. Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston

Their turbulent relationship is well documented, but even though the rumors were that Bobby used to hit Whitney, she actually claimed it was the other way round. In an interview with the Associated Press over 10 years ago, the singing star said: “Contrary to belief, I do the hitting, he doesn’t. He has never put his hands on me. We are crazy for one another. I mean crazy in love, love, love, love, love. When we’re fighting, it’s like that’s love for us. We’re fighting for our love.” Brown, however, was later arrested in 2003 for misdemeanor battery, several years after Whitney said this. The pair eventually divorced after 15 years of marriage in 2007.


3. Pamela Anderson

The Baywatch star married drummer Tommy Lee in 1995, after knowing him for just four days. Their stormy marriage lasted just 3 years, and in that time the Mötley Crüe member served 4 months in jail for domestic abuse against Anderson. It’s reported that during this incident Lee kicked pin-up girl Pamela while she was holding their son Dylan. But even though Anderson had helped to convict Lee, she was waiting for him when he came out and the pair briefly reconciled. Now, though, they’ve gone their separate ways.


2. Phil Hartman

Unlike most of the other examples here Phil Hartman did not live to tell the tale. The former Saturday Night Live star was murdered by his wife – shot in the head, neck and arm as he lay sleeping in their LA home in 1998. Phil and Brynn Hartman’s 11-year marriage had been described as stormy. On the night it happened (May 28th) Brynn had been out drinking and also had traces of cocaine in her system. After killing her husband she drove to a friend’s house and said: “I shot Phil.” The friend didn’t believe her and they both returned to the marital home the next morning. After the police were called, Brynn then shot herself.


1. Tina Turner

Tina’s violent marriage with Ike Turner is well known, largely thanks to the film based on her life, What’s Love Got To Do With It. In the film the singer suffered severe beatings, was raped and had cigarettes stubbed out on her body. Her husband Ike is portrayed as a violent, controlling sociopath, and when Tina’s autobiography was published Ike actually admitted that the book was largely accurate. The pair were married for 16 years before Tina had the courage to leave. Ike is now dead.