Tag Archive for: emotions and divorce

Can Your Friendships Survive Your Divorce?

divorce and friendship

When you get a divorce, it just seems to be an unavoidable side effect: a few people you thought were your friends suddenly fall away. Why do some friendships fade in the face of divorce? Here are some explanations — and some tips to find peace in your shifting social circles.  Read more

5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Filing For Divorce

questions to ask before deciding to divorce Is divorce the best emotional decision for you to make right now? When you can’t get your marriage to work, it’s easy to think the grass could be greener somewhere else, but the truth is, it’s just different grass. Take time to decide if you – and your children – would really be better off on the other side of that fence by asking yourself these five questions. Read more

Coping With The 7 Emotional Stages Of Divorce

If you’re struggling to “get over” your divorce, you’re not alone. Most people don’t just wake up one morning to discover everything is magically better. Similar to the death of a loved one, divorce requires that people move through specific stages before they can grieve the loss of their previous life and create a better one.

Here is a brief description of the 7 emotional stages of divorce: Read more

6 Perilous Divorce Mistakes Women Make

divorce mistakes made by women Divorce is one of the most difficult life transitions anyone can face, but the truth is, everyone handles divorce in their own way. Women going through divorce can face unique stresses and may be more prone to making certain errors and missteps during the process (the same goes for men, which we will explore in a future blog). Here’s a look at some of the most common divorce mistakes women make – and how to avoid them. Read more

Veterans, Divorce & Adjusting To Family Life After Active Service

veterans & divorceAlthough a veteran’s return from active service should be a happy time, it can also be a challenging adjustment for a family. According to a study from Brigham Young University, “combat experience is an important risk factor for divorce or separation.” The study found that combat veterans’ first marriages are 62% more likely to end in separation or divorce than those of non-veterans. The reasons behind these statistics? Read more

5 Things To Say (Or Not To Say) When You Tell Your Kids About Your Divorce

Talking to Children about Divorce

There’s no easy way to tell your kids that life, as they know it, is about to change forever. But there are some ways to make the experience as gentle as possible. How can help your children feel secure and loved during this transition? Here are five things to say, or not say, when you explain to your kids that you’re divorcing. Read more