ALS: Staying Together When Your Spouse Has A Chronic Disease

When one spouse develops a chronic disease, it’s almost as if a third party has entered the marriage. Serious illness changes the couple’s normal dynamic. Both spouses have to reorganize around this uninvited guest who forces them to change the way they work, run the household, have sex, spend their free-time, and communicate. Read more

The Ex Files: How To Deal With a High-Conflict Co-Parent

Dealing with a high-conflict co-parent can be mentally, physically, emotionally, and sometimes financially draining. If you don’t find strategies to manage your relationship with your ex, you can descend into a vat of resentment. Don’t let that happen! Read on to learn five effective ways to deal with your co-parent so you can thrive after divorce. Read more

Dangers for Divorcing Dads

dads and divorceDivorce isn’t easy and you are trying your best as a father to care for your kids while battling emotional upheaval that naturally comes with the divorce process. While it goes without saying that you have your children’s best interests always at heart, it can be easy to encounter pitfalls as you attempt to navigate through some tough times. What missteps should you be on the lookout for? Here are four key divorce mistakes dads often make — and what you can do to avoid them. Read more

6 Major Mistakes Men Make in Divorce

divorce for menHave you been served with divorce papers? The steps you take next can make or break your future and there’s no room for error. Just for guys, here are the most common mistakes men make when going through a divorce — with tips on how you can avoid them!

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Can Foster Parents Adopt Their Foster Children?

foster parent

Foster care, for most kids, is a temporary setting as they wait to be reunited with their birth families. Some foster children, for a myriad of reasons, are never able to be returned to their birth homes. When this happens, foster parents may decide to seek to adopt the children in their care.

What are the steps in New Jersey for foster child adoption? Here’s an overview of what you need to know. Read more