Restraining Orders in New Jersey
Restraining Orders Related to Domestic Violence Issues in New Jersey
Approximately 75,000 cases of domestic violence are reported to the police each year in New Jersey, according to statistics from the State of New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety.
If you have been assaulted, harassed, or threatened by a spouse or partner, legal assistance is available in the form of a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO). This is an order of protection that prevents abusers from having contact with victims for a certain period of time. Depending on the circumstances, a judge may convert a TRO into a permanent order of protection (a Final Restraining Order) after a formal hearing.
To simplify the method by which you can obtain a TRO, we have created a unique set of resources to help you navigate the process.
IMPORTANT: If your partner has threatened you or has committed an act of abuse, call 911. If you are seeking a safe house shelter or related service, call the New Jersey Coalition to End Domestic Violence 24-hr. hotline: 1-800-572-7233.
How to File a Restraining Order
Learn what information you need to file a restraining order and see the actual forms you need to fill out. Not found anywhere else, this ‘How-To’ information will help prepare you for when you go to either the court (Municipal or Superior) or the police station to obtain a New Jersey Temporary Restraining Order (TRO).
Types of Restraining Orders
Learn the difference between Temporary Restraining Orders (TRO) and Permanent/Final Restraining Orders (FRO), what situations and types of contact (work, home, phone contact, etc.) orders of protection cover, and court hours in New Jersey for filing a restraining order.
For more information about domestic violence as a grounds for divorce, New Jersey Temporary Restraining Orders, Final Restraining Orders, or other family law matters, please contact us for a free and confidential attorney consultation. Call us today: (888) 888-0919.