Domestic Violence Questions

Domestic Violence Resources

We are committed to protecting you now and safeguarding your future. As part of meeting this mission, we have created a number of different domestic violence resources that can assist you (or your loved one) in getting the help you need. These free domestic violence resources include case studies; a presentation; various videos; pamphlets on keeping safe from spousal spying and cyber stalking; and a free book for Domestic Violence Victims  in New Jersey.

Domestic Violence Case Studies

Is it domestic violence? There are fourteen separate crimes that constitute domestic violence or spousal abuse so it can sometimes be hard to understand if a specific situation is a form of domestic violence. Therefore we have compiled 3 case studies that focus on different aspects of domestic abuse. Read our domestic violence case studies on stalking, harassment and domestic assault.

Presentation: Domestic Violence in New Jersey

The following presentation provides all of the essential information for anyone affected by domestic violence in New Jersey.

Domestic Violence 101: A Guide For Spousal Abuse Victims In New Jersey

Book: A Guide For Domestic Violence Victims In New Jersey

If you or a loved one is a victim of domestic violence, it is important to know that the law in New Jersey is on your side. You are not alone! In our step-by-step guide, attorney Bari Z. Weinberger walks you through the many forms of legal help available to women and men in New Jersey seeking assistance and protection in a domestic violence matter. Download your free e-book today.

Spousal Spying

Cyber stalking and spousal spying is prevalent. Get informed of the dangers and protect yourself and your loved ones. We have created two pamphlets on these two issues:

Protect Yourself from Spousal Cyber Spying: In today’s world, it is unfortunately easy for an abusive spouse to employ hacking apps or spyware technologies to cyber stalk their partner. Learn the signs that your spouse is spying and the steps needed to protect your privacy and stay safe. [Free Download]

Protecting Your Computers and Smartphones from Cyber Spying: Get specific step-by-step advice on how to check devices and computers for spyware and unauthorized log-ins, including safety tips for social media, email and more. [Free Download]

If you are a victim of domestic violence or domestic abuse — you do not have to live in fear. Domestic violence laws strive to protect you from your abuser and ensure your safety. To speak with an experienced family law attorney who will fight for your rights, please contact us today to schedule your free confidential consultation. We are here to assist you through this difficult time, so you can quickly rebuild your life.