Getting Divorced During The Coronavirus Outbreak? 3 Things To Know

New Jersey has declared a state of emergency over coronavirus (COVID-19) and its potential impact in the state. If you are considering a divorce, or have a divorce case currently progressing through the New Jersey court system, you are probably wondering what happens next? Are the courts still open? What should you do?

Here are some information to help you safeguard yourself:

1. New Jersey Courts are still open for now. If you want to file for divorce or you have a court date on the calendar, currently, court houses throughout the state are open, with certain precautions in place. According to the NJ Judiciary website notice:

“It is imperative that attorneys, litigants, court users, and court employees not come to court if they are or may be at risk of exposure to or transmission of COVID-19. Instead, as stressed in the message posted on our public website (njcourts.gov), anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 or a risk of exposure (including a risk based on recent travel) should contact the court by phone and request to reschedule the proceeding or seek some other accommodation. Requests should be documented in writing as well. Judges and staff will handle requests on a case-by-case basis consistent with the most up-to-date guidance from the NJ DOH and CDC.”

We are monitoring the situation and will update court access as needed.

Our suggestion if you need to go to court? Follow precautions for reducing exposure to COVID-19 in any public setting: Bring hand sanitizer and tissue with you; stand away from crowds if you need to wait (maintain a distance of 3 feet from any individual); wipe your phone down after use; wash your hands and don’t touch your face. If you are immuno-compromised or have an underlying health condition, let your attorney know. Depending on your situation, an alternate court date or setting may be in your best interest.

2. You can meet with your attorney via a web video call. Whether you are contacting us for your initial attorney consultation to learn about your rights, or you are a current client already working with one of our attorneys, we welcome you to schedule video web call appointments should you prefer to stay at home. We have secure video conferencing that is easy to use and reliable. Simply inform us when you can that you prefer a video meeting and we will take it from there.

To make the most of your call, be aware that you can take your video call from a friend or family member’s home if that is more discrete. We can help you set up in the best location and walk you through the set up.

If you would like to meet in person, we welcome you to come to our offices. We are open and you can rely on us to provide a clean environment with access to hand sanitizer, tissues, and restrooms/soap for hand washing. However, we are offering Virtual consultations with an attorney to help safeguard you in all areas of your life.  You can get help today by calling us at 888-888-0919 or requesting a time online using the button below:

3. Other ways to access information online. If you are still in the information gathering phases, we have detailed information about divorce here on our website for you to access from home, including information about divorce, custody, asset division, alimony,  mediation, and more. We also offer informative e-books related to divorce, and helpful webinars on our Youtube channel.

Have questions? Browse our Divorce FAQ section, or submit your burning questions here to get an answer from us.

We know that getting a divorce is a difficult time and coronavirus concerns is the last thing you need. We encourage you to stay in touch with us by please liking our Facebook page and subscribing to our newsletter.

Have questions about your divorce? Interesting in setting up an initial attorney web video call? Get in touch with us today. Call us at 888-888-0919, or please click the button below.

Request a Virtual Consultation

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