Protecting the Future for Victims of Domestic Violence


Safeguarding victims of domestic violence is a key mission for every member of our team. Today, we are delighted to congratulate and highlight family law attorney Jessica Ragno Sprague for living this value. Advocating on behalf of her client, a victim of domestic violence, Ms. Sprague successfully argued an appeal before the New Jersey Court of Appeals that has protected her client’s right to a full and fair final restraining order hearing. 

The Court recently published its ruling in the matter of L.C. v. M.A.J., N.J. Super. App. Div. (Fisher, P.J.A.D.). It will now serve as guiding precedent in future domestic violence court cases that touch on similar matters. In zealously arguing on behalf of her client, Ms. Sprague’s success before the Court of Appeals helps to ensure the rights of other victims seeking temporary and final restraining orders. This is an amazing accomplishment!

In New Jersey, strict laws are in place to protect victims of domestic violence. Any time someone is abused by a spouse or partner, they are eligible to take out a restraining order against their abuser. It can’t be stressed enough: New Jersey is serious about protecting victims of domestic violence. However, the court process for obtaining a protective order and navigating the final restraining order process can be complicated and potentially intimidating for victims. Errors can be made, and this is why it is imperative for victims to have a skilled legal advocated on their side.

Ms. Sprague’s strength and tenacity in standing up for her client exemplifies what it means to be a zealous and tireless legal advocate. We are very proud to have Jessica on our team. She is a mentor and a resource for us all.

Need help? Are you or someone you know experiencing domestic abuse by a spouse or intimate partner? Take the first step towards securing your future by contacting us or calling: 888-888-0919. Request an initial attorney consultations and can help you obtain the protection you need to keep you and your children safe. In case of imminent threat or an emergency, please call 911 or contact your local police. 

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