Why Is January Called Divorce Month?

January 1st rings in more than the New Year; it also marks the beginning of Divorce Month. What earned the first month of the year this unusual nickname? According to the American Association of Matrimonial Lawyers, the number of people filing for divorce jumps by 30% nationwide in January compared to preceding months. As for why so many couples make divorce their New Year’s resolution, here’s a look at some of the most common reasons.

People don’t want to get divorced during the holidays. You can’t bear the thought of splitting as other people’s holiday cards pile up in your mailbox. You want your family to experience one last Christmas together. You’re determined that your kids will enjoy opening presents instead of worrying about the upcoming changes in their lives.

Financial considerations. Your tax return will vary significantly depending on your filing status. Waiting to file till after the 31st of the year may make tax time easier. Be sure to consult with your accountant before you file; he can tell you what you need to do to get your finances in order and protect yourself during tax season.

People take stock of their lives. Whether you write an actual New Year’s Resolutions list, or simply ask yourself existential questions, you probably reflect on life satisfaction and goals as January approaches. Once you realize you can’t go another year in an unhappy marriage, you may decide it’s time to take the first step towards changing your life.

Whatever you do, don’t let the excitement of the New Year cause you to act prematurely. Consult with an attorney to find out what you need to do to prepare for divorce, and when the best time to file is – for you. If you need legal guidance, please contact us to schedule your initial consultation with one of our skilled family law attorneys.


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