Is Your Spouse Addicted to Opioids?

New Jersey is not immune from the nation’s opioid epidemic. 

  • For every 100 prescriptions written in New Jersey, 55 of these are for opioids.
  • Over 184,000 New Jersey residents have been admitted into treatment facilities for heroin or opioid abuse since 2010.
  • Over 5,000 heroin-related deaths have occurred in New Jersey since 2004.
  • The number of prescription/synthetic opioid-related deaths has increased twentyfold over the past 14 years.

And here is one more tragic statistic: approximately 50% of marriages affected by addiction end in divorce.

Is your spouse addicted to opioids? As you have experienced firsthand, the dangerous behaviors and broken promises of addiction can severely harm all relationships within the family, including parent-child relationships. Addiction brings with it the darkest of times, and divorce and termination of parental rights are real possibilities.

But when the addict is willing to do the hard work of breaking the addiction and remaining committed to recovery, there also can be true glimmers of hope that a marriage — and a family — can be saved.

What might addiction recovery look like for your relationship? Can your marriage be saved? We encourage you to read through some  of our resources to start finding answers: 

Married to an Addict: Is Divorce Inevitable? Can your relationship can survive the impact of your spouse’s addiction? Before you call it quits, learn the commonsense steps that can help you reclaim your marriage and rebuild the love and trust that addiction destroyed.

7 Ways Addiction Can Destroy A Marriage: Your spouse may like to say they’re just “a little bit addicted” to pain killers, but let’s be real: high functioning addiction is still addiction. Learn how to recognize the sometimes hidden signs that your spouse’s addiction has escalated to the point of harming you and your children

Divorce an Addict: 3 Strategies for Getting Through It: What happens if he doesn’t stop using? Can you trust her with the kids? What if he can’t keep his job and pay child support? When divorce is inevitable, here are 3 key strategies to make the process more manageable.

Investigating Addiction In Custody Disputes: What happens when you need to go to court because your child’s parent is addict? What can you do to keep your kids safe? 

Parenting Time After Addiction Recovery: If your spouse has lost parenting time, but has sought and completed treatment, here’s what happens when they request to reinstate parenting time.

We understand that you may have questions about the legal side of addiction, and understanding your options should you decide to divorce. Our caring, compassionate family law attorneys are here to provide confidential, nonjudgmental help. Please today at 888-888-0919 to schedule your initial confidential consultation, or click the button below. 

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