New Start: Why Couples Often Divorce In January

When a marriage has reached the point of being irretrievably broken, a common New Year’s resolution is to not waste another precious moment with Mr. or Mrs. Wrong. Actually, so many people begin the process of divorce in the New Year that January has earned the nickname of “Divorce Month.” The first Monday in January is called “Divorce Day” because of the sudden uptick in people searching for divorce help once the holidays have ended.

Resolutions aside, there are several other key reasons why many wait until the first month of the year to decide to move forward with divorce. Among these reasons…

They don’t want to ruin another winter holiday. Holidays can be stressful even in the best of times, but keeping things merry and bright when your marriage is on the rocks is a daunting task. If the misery spills over onto the kids, couples may be eager to file for divorce as soon as the New Year begins to ensure that they don’t have to subject anyone to another holiday season spent in a war zone.

One last holiday together as an intact family. Those whose conflict hasn’t reached epic proportions may want to give the kids a final holiday to remember. With that goal in mind, some couples are able to put their grievances aside and pull out all the stops in December.

Law firms pick up the pace in the New Year. Many family law firms slow down between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, and put off taking new cases until the beginning of the year. Therefore, some people may wait till “Divorce Day,” the first Monday in January, when attorneys are rested and focused on work.

Spring is a good time to put the house on the market. Spring is historically the best time for home sales. People are more likely to go house-shopping in warm weather, and spring flowers can give homes more curb appeal. Another advantage to selling a house in the spring is that the timing is usually less disruptive to children, who won’t have to move during the school year.

Tax implications. Waiting till January to file for divorce typically has tax advantages. Being married for even one day in the New Year will enable you to file a married joint return for that year. Be sure to consult your accountant before you make your decision.

Get Answers to Your Questions

Whatever you ultimately choose to do, consider talking with a family law attorney before you file, so you can move forward with a strategy for your divorce case that is beneficial to you financially, but also beneficial for emotionally for your entire family.

At Weinberger Divorce and Family Law Group, LLC, we are ready to provide to you with tailored advice for your divorce that safeguards your children and secures your future. To schedule your initial attorney consultation, call us at 888-888-0919 or click the button below.

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