6 Apps To Get Your Life Back On Track After Divorce

Does your smartphone need a post-divorce makeover? Here are all the divorce apps you need for a smooth transition into your next chapter.

2houses. This “co-parenting facilitator” is an organizational tool to help you and your ex manage schedules, finances, communication, and information. The app offers an interactive calendar so you and you can share and sync schedules. It also includes a financial management system to track expenses. There’s a messaging system that allows you to communicate solely through the 2houses platform. And the information bank lets you record important items such as children’s medical info, teacher’s names, social security numbers, and clothing sizes. Cost: 14-day free trial, then $12.50 a month.

Our Family Wizard. One of the first divorce apps on the market, Our Family Wizard’s mission is to help co-parents focus on kids, not conflict. The app is primarily as a messaging platform: it stores emails, notifies you when you’ve got a new one, and records when they’ve been read. Now, your ex can’t claim, “I never got your email!” There’s also a “tone-meter” you can use to keep your messages cordial. Like 2houses, Our Family Wizard also offers a calendar, shared expenses log, and information bank. Cost: pricing starts at $99.99, with an additional $10 for the “tone meter.”

SupportPay. This app promises to simplify child support and expense sharing so you never have to talk to your ex about money again. It enables you to manage, track, and pay child support directly through the app. It records all money you’ve spent, and what you’ve spent it on. A big upside is that using the app eliminates phone calls and reminders about child support and shared expenses. Cost: free for basic features. Otherwise $19.99 monthly or $14.99 annually if paid all up front.

Calm. One of the most popular apps for meditation and sleep, Calm helps you recalibrate your nervous system so you can better manage divorce stress. There are over 100 guided meditations, “sleep stories,” (like bedtime stories for adults), and music to help you focus and relax. Cost: 7-day free trial, then $59.99 billed annually.

Happify. Using scientific methods, this app helps you overcome stress, manage difficult emotions, and build resilience. A team of experts has developed tools so you can train your brain to change negative thought patterns. Happify has a system that charts your progress, and claims that 80% of frequent users get happier in two months. Cost: $14.95 per month, $6.95 for month for one year and $4.95/month for two years.

Mint. If your spouse handled the money, you may be facing a steep growth curve towards financial literacy after your divorce. Mint has lots of great features to let you take charge of your finances. It collects all your financial information – bank accounts, credit cards, loans, investments – and stores them in one place so you can instantly see your balances and credit score. Mint categorizes your spending, so you know where your money is going, and gives you budgeting and investing tips. And it alerts you when your balances are low and bills are due. Cost: Free!

Want more app suggestions? Check out our companion blogs:

5 Smartphone Apps That Make Divorce Less Stressful

5 Divorce Apps Offering “Smart” Advice From Your Phone

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