Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC Publishes Four New Divorce and Family Law Guides

We are excited to announce the publication of four new titles in its our Family Law Jersey Style series of consumer legal guides: A Guide to Relationship Agreements  in New Jersey, A Guide to Alimony in New Jersey, A Guide to Property Division in New Jersey, and A Guide to Alternative Dispute Resolution in New Jersey. Authored by our firm’s founder, family law expert Bari Z. Weinberger, each guide contains practical family law information that can be difficult for readers to find elsewhere.

Highlights of the new books include:

A Guide to Alternative Dispute Resolution in New Jersey: Ready to save money, time and stress in your divorce or family law matter? Understand why a growing number of divorces and other family law matters in New Jersey are being resolved out of court using alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods, including mediation and arbitration. Is ADR right for you? In the guide, readers will:

  • Find out whether an ADR method, such as mediation or arbitration, is appropriate for their divorce or family law matter;
  • Understand the mediation process and the benefits of working with a third party mediator to settle matters out of court;
  • Learn the important questions to ask before hiring a New Jersey divorce/family law mediator; and
  • Discover how mediation can still be used to resolve disputes, even after divorce court proceedings have begun.

A Guide to Alimony in New Jersey: Alimony reform laws in New Jersey have changed the way alimony is calculated. Whether you are the spouse who will receive alimony, or the spouse requested to pay, you should know all your options for securing the fairest alimony settlement possible. In the guide, readers will:

  • Learn about  the different  types of  alimony  available in New Jersey, including rehabilitative alimony and limited  duration alimony;
  • Find out what factors the courts look at in calculating monthly support payments;
  • Learn how to file a  motion to change or terminate your current alimony arrangement; and
  • Understand how spousal support payments are enforced in New Jersey.

A Guide to Property Division In New Jersey: Your retirement and savings accounts, and your family home, credit card debt, stock portfolios, business interests and more. Dividing property and debts accrued over the course of your marriage is no small task. How can you protect yourself? In the guide, readers will:

  • Understand the difference between marital vs. separate property;
  • Learn about New Jersey’s key concept of “equitable distribution” and why this doesn’t necessarily mean splitting assets 50-50; and
  • Gain insight into what “full financial disclosure” means and recognize the signs that your spouse may be hiding assets, and more.

A Guide to Relationship Agreements  in New Jersey: Want greater peace of mind in your relationship? Prenuptial, post-nuptial, reconciliation, and cohabitation agreements are designed to secure your future by outlining financial terms and asset division in the event a marriage or cohabiting relationship ends. In the guide, readers will:

  • Gain insight into how each relationship agreement works and how to choose the right agreement their situation,
  • Acquire tips for creating fair agreements that take into account life changes, such as disability or staying home to raise the kids; and
  • Understand what it takes to craft prenups and other relationship agreements that stand up to scrutiny in court.

Becoming informed about your divorce or your family law matter and learning about your options can free you from fear and empower you to make positive decisions. It’s our mission and commitment to assist people in making the best possible choices…choices that will serve them for years to come,” says Weinberger.

Books are available in e-book (Kindle) format on Amazon.com or through our website. To speak with one of our skilled attorneys about any family law matter, please contact us to schedule your initial, confidential consultation.

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